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The following email correspondence showing that Jacques Machol, III and Andrew Quait of Machol & Jophannes, P.C. are the authority on the new collections niche of the Telephone Consumer Protection ACT.  Machol and Quait and their firms specialize in prosecuting bulk TCPA claims.

We have heard that Quiat was one of the King Pin's, however had nothing to substantiate it until one of's private members sent us the following information. 
Reply to original message... Scroll Down...

From : Erica Jenks <>
Sent : Tuesday, October 19, 2004 10:45 AM
To :  Steve Smith <>
Subject : RE: Question RE Program for New York Meeting Saturday

Dear Mr. Smith: 

Yes, the seminar you mentioned is indeed scheduled for Saturday, November 13 at 1:15 PM at the New York Meeting. The reason it is not listed in the brochure is that it is a rather newly added educational program. Please let me know if I can answer anything else for you. 


Erica Jenks
Administrative Director 
Commercial Law League of America
70 East Lake Street
Suite 630
Chicago, IL 60601
Phone: (312) 781-2000
Fax: (312) 781-2010

-----Original Message-----

From : Erica Jenks <>
Sent :  Tuesday, October 19, 2004 10:45 AM
To :  Steve Smith <>

Subject : RE: Question RE Program for New York Meeting Saturday

Is the following seminar going to be presented at the upcoming New York Meeting November 11, 2004 - November 14, 2004?

Collecting On TCPA Claims - A New and Burgeoning Profit Center
Saturday, November 13, 2004
1:15 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.

Jacques Machol, III and Andrew Quait of Machol & Jophannes, P.C. will discuss the new collections niche of the Telephone Consumer Protection ACT ("TCPA"). Since 1991, 47 U.S.C. §227 prohibits unsolicited fax advertisement. Yet, such unsolicited faxes continue to be sent out every day, maybe even to your own law office. Machol and Quait discuss the private right of action, the penalties to the advertiser, as well as, the penalties to the entities that provide the mass faxing services. They also address the various defenses used by the mass faxing services and the advertisers, and why such defenses have failed.  Machol and Quait and their firms specialize in prosecuting bulk TCPA claims.

I saw an announcement for it, but do not see it listed in the official program.

Thanks for your help.




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